Here in the B Corp community, you know that we are constantly striving towards improving businesses impact in order to transform the economy into one that is inclusive, equitable and regenerative. In the spirit of celebrating and learning from the Best for the World: Customers 2022 honourees, B Lab Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand (AANZ) held four information-packed workshops where B Corps and aspiring Bs could get into the nitty gritty of each impact area, learn tips to improve their impact, and connect with like-minded people and businesses.
Kicking the workshops off, was the Impact through Customers: A B Corp Workshop where B Lab AANZ’s Certification Team, B Lab Global’s Business Sustainability Analysts, and BFTW 2022 honouree i=Change, explored ways to prioritise customers through its business model and practices.
Impact through Customers: Workshop highlights
The Impact through Customers workshop was jam-packed with practical tips about Customer related Impact Business Models, the B Impact Assessment and how to document your impact for customers, interactive polls and collaboration, and a Q&A.

Image: Interactive component of the workshop led by Kira Day, Impact & Engagement Manager at B Lab AANZ
BFTW 2022 honouree i=Change, provided incredible insight into how they’re creating impact through their customers. With a B Impact Score of 98.8 and a Customer impact area score of 57.3, i=Change shared how their cause-marketing ecosystem for online retailers helps to accelerate the impact of extraordinary development projects. Their platform enables retailers to give back to social causes, and their customers love them for it.
i=Change emphasised the importance of transparent ethics, sustainability and their role in ensuring that the value a business provides to their customers is one that is impactful, trustworthy and has long-term viability in today’s business climate.
“Sustainability and a public ethical stance has transitioned from a consumer demand to an expectation. It will be the defining reason why customers will start to choose one brand over the other. For us, this means that we need to continually pivot. We are staying on top of our projects and we are challenging our retailers to embody and promote our partnership from every touchpoint on their own customer journeys.”
— Belle Blatch, Marketing & Campaigns Manager at i=Change

Image: Belle Blatch (Marketing & Campaigns Manager at i=Change) presenting during the workshop
Along with i=Change’s motivating presentation on increasing impact through customers, workshop participants also received documentation and Impact Business Model tips from B Lab’s team members. An important lesson gained from the workshop was ensuring the significance of developing a collaborative relationship with your Business Sustainability Analyst (BSA). This involves being able to work with them honestly, showing them everything you’re doing along the way, and being proactive about your improvements.
Participants were also reminded that no industries are excluded from the B Corp movement, unless it is a controversial one in which you are deemed ineligible. Even though your business might seem niche, it will be captured in some way, shape or form in the B Impact Assessment.
The last nugget of wisdom we will leave you with is from Belle Blatch:
“Just start. Consumers are not solely focused on businesses that have the end answer, they want to know you are on the journey, they want to have this public acknowledgement. Acknowledgement is massive. Let your audience know that you understand what needs to be the new normal, that you’re working towards it. Everything your business does will add up.”
The presentation slides for this workshop can be downloaded here.
A big thank you to i=Change for sharing their learnings on creating impact through Customers, and to Seated Massage for leading the group through a wellbeing stretch break.
Excited to learn more about the Best for the WorldTM: Customers honourees? READ NEXT: The customer always wins thanks to these B Corps named Best for the World 2022↗