How personal health drives collective wellbeing with newly Certified B Corporation Human.Kind

To transform our economy into one that is regenerative, inclusive and equitable, we must support individuals to be their healthiest selves, both physically and mentally. With the guiding principle of ‘healthy people for a healthy planet,’ newly Certified B Corporation Human.Kind is doing just that. With the belief that community is the perfect microcosm to start a quiet revolution, Human.Kind have created a safe space for holistic healing, welcoming anyone and everyone with a desire to change themselves, and the world.

The team at Human.Kind

Image: Team members of the Human.Kind

In celebration of their certification, we spoke with Triton, Lead Facilitator, Physiotherapist and Managing Director at Human.Kind, to learn more about the ethos behind their practice and how they’re utilising health to create systems change.   

Tell us a bit more about what Human.Kind does.

We create a place for conscious communities to practise good health. We have two locations in Kaurna/Adelaide, South Australia. We also have a big following of regular members globally who join us online. 

We integrate classes, therapies, education, and activism; blending ancient and modern practices. What this looks like is yoga facilitators who are truly world-class. It’s a space where people can consult with experts in physiotherapy and clinical psychology for one-on-one support for holistic healing. 

We have created a thriving community that gathers to learn from leaders in their fields with free talks about positive mind-food, sustainable living, and social and environmental change. We also host transformational in-depth workshops and training to give people the tools they need to change their life.

Human.Kind is on a mission to make a positive impact. We know that healthy people make healthier decisions for the planet.

What did you want to certify as a B Corp?

We wanted to certify to give structure, visibility and commitment to the purposeful work we had already begun as a team. We’re also very excited to join a business network that inspires us to do even better.

Image Source: Human.Kind

After the pandemic, we have noticed many more businesses prioritising people’s mental and physical health. Could you tell us a bit more about what makes Human.Kind unique?

We really make a huge positive impact on people’s personal health. We’re world-class in that. 

We truly believe that personal health drives collective health. This means when harmful actions occur, such as discrimination and violence against others and the planet, they echo and amplify to create many of the systems of inequality, mistrust, profiteering and oppression that we see today. Conversely, when leaders with heart and compassion speak in human tones, everything softens — it enables families, teams and countries to come together with love and hope. In a city the size of Adelaide, our combined ripple effect is tangible, showing us that the current systems and norms are changeable. 

What I’m most proud of is that we are taking personal and collective health, and pointing that vibrant energy at the bigger issues like climate activism, social justice and systems change. We help people make the connection between our internal world and the external world. That is ultimately a spiritual practice grounded in real world actions.

We love that concept of connecting the internal and external worlds of your clients. Are there any business practices that you hope become the norm in the near future?

Interdependence is something that comes up in many practices, from spirituality to permaculture. It’s something we think about regularly as being part of a local ecosystem.

How can we be better citizens? How can we be better consumers? How can we be better allies?

I’d love to see the end of “business as usual” attitudes where environmental and social costs are somehow waved away as externalities. The economic and financial market system is fundamentally broken. And, it will take the rapid rise of conscious consumers, conscious businesses and conscious leaders to help us make a transition to an improved economic system.

Image Source: Human.Kind

We are committed to having a low impact on our surroundings, which includes our people, the planet and how our money is used. You can view our 2020 to 2021 Impact Reports to get a better idea of how we are doing this, and how we are striving to continually improve post-certification.

Are there any B corps that you look to for inspiration?

Patagonia. I drink their kool-aid.

Don’t we all! Finally, do you have any tips for aspiring B Corps who are striving to improve their impact?

Don’t see the certification as a rubber stamp that you can just answer a few questions, pay your money and join the club. The process is difficult and long.

Whilst it was a sometimes uncomfortable level of detail and rigour, going through the certification process helped us improve things as we progressed. We came out the end of the certification an even better business than when we came in.

Congratulations to Human.Kind for certifying as a B Corp. Thank you for teaching us about the important connections necessary to help make the world a better place.

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