Soak in the clarity and breathe out the fear thanks to newly certified B Corp Zorali

Sustainable outdoor gear and apparel brand Zorali is on a mission to get the world outside again. After so long cooped up indoors and behind our screens, this passionate team of so-called ‘Nature Nuts’ wants to help us all breathe in the clean, crisp air and breathe out the fear by exploring the world’s best playground: the great outdoors. 

Because cobwebs belong in the trees, not in your mind — Zorali creates sustainable outdoor gear for outdoorsy types that’s designed to last a lifetime. In a (nature) nutshell, they’re the folks you call when journey is calling you. And recently, we sat down with Co-founders Cam and Elise to find out more about what makes their business unique and why they wanted to certify as a B Corp. Enjoy!

Two people hiking in the mountains with Zorali gear on.

Image Source: Zorali

Congratulations on your recent certification! Tell us a bit more about Zorali.

Getting outside is good for the soul, and when we stepped outside, we breathed in hard and breathed out Zorali. We created the word Zorali to mean “fearless and full of life,” reflecting the positive emotions we experience in nature.

Outside, where the planet suddenly feels so vast. So much bigger than us. There’s a lot of solace to be found in that, on the inside. So the only thing left is to surrender.

Zorali means going where you won’t need fancy gear because your own two feet will do. Going where the air comes at breathable altitudes, where your mind feels free from stress and strife and struggle. And we wanted to show people just how close that good life can be. Frankly, it’s right outside your door, and Zorali is here to get you out there.

Design team at Zorali working on T-shirt colours.

Image Source: Zorali

Can you share more about the values that guide you?

There is no question that being in nature reduces stress in our bodies. What this means is that we are far less likely to be anxious and fearful in nature, and thereby we can be more open to the fullness life offers us.

We’re committed to being a leader on the path towards a sustainable, outdoor lifestyle. And to keep us on (hiking) track, we stand by three core values:

  • People → we believe in the spirit of symbiosis, and we consider the people we work with our greatest value. We want to make sure everybody’s needs can be met in equal measure. No exclusions. No rain checks.
  • Planet → because it’s a bit of a big deal. Everything we do, in business and in design, we do while wearing a sustainability hat. Not to brag, but we wear it well. Nice and snug. But hat jokes aside, we promise to keep pushing for change, challenging ourselves to do better, and learning everything we can along the way.
  • Product → some of the finest designs we’ve ever seen have come straight outta the earth (have you seen an old Mountain Ash?). And we’re inspired to make products that are equally good-looking, and long-lasting. Made by people who are the best at what they do.

Image Source: Zorali

Why did you want to certify as a B Corp?

It’s pretty simple really: to strengthen and solidify our commitment to being a leader on the path towards a sustainable, outdoor lifestyle.

We see the B Corp badge as the official stamp of approval to let you know you’re doing the right thing.

B Corps want to help transform our economy to one that is inclusive, sustainable, and regenerative. What business practice do you want to see become the norm?

Sustainability is a three-way street and the environment has been part of our DNA since day one. Protecting our business means protecting our planet first. We can’t have one without the other — and, call us greedy, but we really want them both!

The reality is that even after facing an unprecedented global pandemic (and everything else the last few years have thrown at us), climate change is the single biggest threat to humanity — but we have the tools to stop it. 

Globally, we emit almost 60 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases every year. These are the emissions that cause climate change, and our industry is responsible for a large percentage of these emissions due to the resources required to make and deliver gear and apparel.

If we don’t take responsibility for this problem now, then there’s no way we’ll hit the 2050 goals science tells us we need to achieve.

These are make-or-break goals. Reach them, and we avoid the devastating effects of climate change. Miss them, and life on Earth will change for billions of people forever.

Three people in Zorali wear climbing on a fallen tree trunk.

Image Source: Zorali

Tell us some of the areas where you believe you can have the biggest impact, or some of the little changes you’ve made to make a difference.

We try to give our community regular opportunities to connect whether it’s a meet up somewhere close, and maybe take a short hike to admire some low-key lovely views or an overnight adventure. 

Our engaged and loyal community of outdoor enthusiasts, or Nature Nuts, as we call them are people who love the great outdoors just as much as we do, and who are passionate about seeing positive change for people and our planet. They are the deep-breathing, road-tripping, camp-firing, hug-a-mug-of-hot-chocolate kinds who just want to get outside, and we love them.

We work with Climate Neutral to measure and offset our carbon emissions. But why stop there? We also plant trees for every item sold = 700,000 and continuing. So we’re net positive for the planet.

You’ve been in business for just over three years now. What are some of the things you’ve learned in that time that you can share with the B Corp community?

It’s been an amazing journey, seriously — one wild ride. Some of our biggest learnings would be that everyone’s leap looks different; make yours, not someone else’s.

Before we started Zorali, it’s fair to say most people thought our plans and ideas were a little crazy, leaving the comfort of our jobs for the unknown path ahead of us.

We weren’t created to be comfy. Those six words gave us the inspiration we needed to disrupt our comfort and enter the Zorali story. It’s almost like we had to leap into the dream — into the discomfort and the fear — otherwise, the dream was never going to happen.

Another key takeaway was learning to listen to the truest voice, or at least discerning which voices are true and worthy of guiding us, and which of the voices are filled with fear and worry. If we had let these voices guide us, our dreams for Zorali would not have been realised. 

Don’t allow the voice of fear to stand in the way of the life you imagine. Instead, learn to move in step with the truest voice. Because everything you want in life — purpose, meaning, significance, fulfilment — will come to pass by learning to listen to voices that are filled with possibility.

And lastly, we would say — and this is something that will likely resonate with all of our fellow B Corps — find something worth aiming for. At Zorali, we’re aiming to create a world where more people are outdoors, more often, collectively answering nature’s call – to find connection, restoration, and calm. That’s our vision. That’s our true north. That’s our flag on the mountain we are moving towards.

A major key to our success has been through finding clarity on what it is that we are actually aiming for, and learning how to communicate that within our team and to our wider community. This is key because vision produces passion. And passion inspires action.

Passion is the great energiser behind any dream. When you’re lacking energy or motivation, it’s likely you’re walking aimlessly through life with no clear direction or purpose. So to elevate yourself onto the path of your truest ambitions, find something worth aiming for. The key is to replace what you’ve settled for with what you’ve been longing for and allow it to guide you like a compass.

One person standing on a mountain's edge overlooking a body of water.

Image Source: Zorali

A big thank you to Zorali for sharing these insights from their recent certification and first three years in business. To find out more about their work and to explore their goods, visit:

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