Saving a seat at the sustainable agriculture table with newly Certified B Corporation The Whole Story

The B Corp movement is one that enables truly innovative businesses and forward thinkers to shine bright, and newly Certified B Corporation The Whole Story does just that. Founded by Becks Smith, their mission is to inspire, facilitate and articulate conscious, holistic sustainability on farms through engagement, education, governance and alignment with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

The Whole Story provides consultations, workshops and podcasts and instigates initiatives within the Aotearoa New Zealand agriculture industry. In celebration of The Whole Story becoming a B Corp, we sat down with Founder Becks Smith to learn more about what her social enterprise does and how she’s bringing her vision of sustainable agriculture to life. 

Becks Smith, Founder of The Whole Story

Photo: Becks Smith, Founder of The Whole Story

First, could you tell us your story and how this social enterprise came about?

Since 2009 I have worked in agriculture as a rural mixed-practice veterinarian. Now, I also farm a 700 hectare sheep, beef and deer property with my husband and family. I have had a life-long passion for sustainability, so in 2020 I saw an opportunity to address the challenges within the agriculture industry which I have faced personally. Through alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, The Whole Story inspires, facilitates and articulates conscious, holistic sustainability in agriculture. 

How does The Whole Story help farms on their sustainability journeys?

We help farms to tell their stories in a way that suppliers, markets and communities can understand, whilst leaving a legacy which they are proud of.

“We strive to make sustainability easy for the agriculture industry by helping people to combine their passion for a positive future with their ability to get things done – The Whole Story provides the ‘how to’ in the middle.” 

Right now, we achieve this in three ways. We provide one-to-one consulting where we assess current farming practices against the UN’s SDGs. This allows us to dig deep into priorities around sustainable practice, and to set achievable goals for the farm. We also host workshops and are launching a podcast. These activities aim to educate and engage people toward positive action relating to the SDGs. Finally, we work with the agriculture industry through governance, research, advocacy and policy relating to sustainability, to get industry initiatives off the ground. 


Photo: The Whole Story

What does certifying as a B Corp mean for The Whole Story?

Margaret Mead, an American cultural anthropologist, said:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” 

This resonated with me and it resonates with the mission of The Whole Story. Certifying as a B Corp is part of walking the talk as a business. It allows us to show with authenticity and transparency the positive impact we are having as a purpose-led social enterprise. 

“We want to have a seat at the table in the future of business — business as a force for good.”

The Whole Story is evidently unique, could you tell us a bit more about the UN’s SDG targets and your business? 

The Whole Story is unique as an organisation using the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Framework to guide sustainable agriculture practice. Our alignment occurs between:

Our impact is in the inspirational engagement of people, the celebration of business sustainability success, and the influence at governance level to motivate systems change. 

Our newest vehicle for impact is an upcoming podcast series called The Whole Story Podcast, which will focus on individuals and organisations in agriculture and the work they are doing to progress towards UN SDG targets.

Photo: The Whole Story

What business practice do you want to see become the norm within the agriculture industry?

Validation of the good that businesses do, this is where I see B Corp Certification as such an important tool to “measure what matters”. 

“It is not enough anymore to just say you are good, we have been burned by this mentality, we need to encourage a new era of purpose, accountability, transparency and vulnerability in business.” 

Was there a B Corp that inspired you to certify, or one that you look to for inspiration?

The Grow Good Co – Tim Jones is a superstar! 

Finally, do you have any tips for aspiring B Corps about the certification process?

Find a B Consultant and work in collaboration with others to make the process engaging and enjoyable! Make the journey fun and dig deep into your purpose!

Thank you to Becks for speaking with us, and a big congratulations for the recent certification of The Whole Story. To learn more or get in contact head to:

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