Two recertified B’s fostering financially and mentally healthy communities

The ‘20s have been roaring here in the B Corp movement. The number of Certified B Corporations has skyrocketed at home and abroad in recent years. If you’ve read our new Annual Report, you’ll know that in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand alone, the number of businesses seeking certification has over doubled since pre-pandemic!

Today, we have the pleasure of catching up with two businesses, BankVic and Guidestar, who both certified during this period and now, three years on, have just recertified. For Certified B Corps, recertification represents an opportunity to revisit the B Impact Assessment and proudly update their B Impact Score to reflect what their business and impact look like today.

BankVic, a member-owned bank for emergency services personnel, and Guidestar, a psychology clinic and registered NDIS provider, are from two very different industries, but they share some similarities, too. Enriching human well-being is at the heart of both organisations, plus both are based in the beautiful state of Victoria.

In celebration of their recent recertification, let’s dive in and see what these two B Corps have been up to since first acquiring that coveted ‘B’.

A group of people at BankVIC sitting in a room conversing and smiling.

Image: BankVic

Taking care of the people who care for us: BankVic

In 1974 (an impressive 50 years ago), BankVic was established with a view to use the power of finance to support people in the emergency services sector as well as their families. Offering banking, loans, and insurance, this B Corp aims to “build healthy communities that are financially, socially and environmentally sustainable.”

100% owned by their members, BankVic’s community can (literally) bank on them reinvesting profits back into social initiatives such as Victoria Police Legacy, Blue Ribbon Foundation, and The Police Association Victoria. In fact, since 2010, BankVic has “contributed $3.1 million in donations and sponsorships” to not-for-profit partners.

“We have a strong driver for continuous improvement, and recertification is a valuable means for us to recognise the ongoing, good work we were already doing.”

— BankVic
Two women employees at BankVic looking at a laptop screen and smiling

Image: BankVic

Since certifying in 2020, BankVic has strengthened its workplace giving and volunteering program, BVgive, which they explain “formalised many of the initiatives” its team were already passionately participating in.

Since we last caught up, BankVic has started investing in plug-in hybrid vehicle options for its mobile teams and has moved to a new HQ, using the relocation as a chance to take a closer look at the office’s day-to-day environmental footprint. It’s an area that they look forward to analysing further, with a second carbon audit scheduled for later this year.

“From energy efficiencies in lighting and meeting rooms to composting our coffee grounds – there were many small ways we could reduce the carbon footprint of our head office and use B Corp standards as a guide.”

— BankVic

Healthy minds and empowered lives: Guidestar

Guidestar is a psychology practice and registered NDIS provider focused on helping, in particular, people who are experiencing complex mental health or dual disability. The Guidestar team collaborates closely with clients, families, and relevant health services to offer “dynamic and creative ways” for people to “make positive change and achieve fulfilling lives.”

Like BankVic, this B embarked on the recertification journey with its sights set on expanding existing impact initiatives. What is their advice for fellow B Corps approaching recertification? Be as prepared as possible.

“[When recertifying], ensure you have all your evidence easily accessible, work with your B Corp representatives they are there to help, and ensure your employees understand what being a B Corp means and how they contribute to positive outcomes.”

— Guidestar
A group of people sitting in a meeting room listening to a presenter at Guidestar Psychology.

Image: Guidestar

Guidestar’s advocacy stretches well beyond their neighbourhood. The female-founded clinic recently developed a philanthropic partnership with a school for children with disabilities in the island country of Kiribati and also received a Telstra Best of Business Award for Community Impact in 2022.

Since becoming a B Corp, the clinic, which opened its doors in 2017, has developed a graduate program, workforce development plan, and lived experience advisory group and has earned Rainbow Tick Accreditation, meaning they have been “assessed against the highest standards of safety and inclusivity for the LGBTQIA+ community.” The practice, which initially certified in 2021, also developed its first Reconciliation Action Plan, and further connection with First Nations communities is a key goal for the coming years.

“[Over the next three years, we’re hoping to] develop our next Reconciliation Action Plan and partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services and organisations.”

— Guidestar

A big thank you to BankVic and Guidestar for sharing your recertification journeys with us. Have you started thinking about how your B Corp will approach recertification? Download the recertification checklist here, or click here to register for our drop-in session – the perfect place to ask us all your burning questions! Keen to hear more inspiring stories from your local B Corp community? Click here to browse the blog.