Celebrating Milestones, Galvanising a Movement: Launching B Lab AANZ’s first Annual Report

After more than 10 years of movement building in our region — the team and Board at B Lab Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand (B Lab AANZ) are thrilled to announce the release of our first-ever Annual Report 2023/24

Showcasing the remarkable growth, impact, and achievements of our local community of B Corps this past year, and reflecting our ongoing commitment to accountability and transparency as an organisation — this report represents a small but significant milestone in our work towards an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.

Key Highlights:

  • Growing Movement: 34% increase in total B Corps in our region from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 compared to previous year, and a 133% increase since 2020
  • Economic influence: B Corps in AANZ  have a combined revenue or $21BN(AUD) or $23BN (NZD)
  • Celebrating B Corp Month: 1060+ people attended 22 events across the region,  with over 20 million estimated media impressions worldwide
  • Benchmarking Brand Awareness: 18% awareness of B Corp Certification in Australia and 15% in Aotearoa New Zealand, from first-ever regional brand survey
  • Increased Media Mentions: 4,700 mentions of B Corp in the media, representing a 41% increase from the previous year
  • Shaping the Future: 52 B Corps and 7 aspiring B Corps from our region contributed to a global consultation on B Lab’s evolving standards
  • New Ways to Learn: Launch of 2 online on-demand training courses with 8-10 hours of educational content on the B Corp movement
  • Bolstered Capability: Increase to 14 team members, supporting the growth and impact of the movement in our region

Evolving our governance and standards

Often the unsung hero of purpose-driven business, we share how B Lab AANZ’s governance continues to evolve to meet the needs of our growing community. From the continuing work of the B Council to supporting global consultations on our evolving standards, the updated regional governance frameworks are designed to ensure maximum transparency, accountability, and inclusivity as we scale.

Celebrating continuous improvement 

The power of storytelling is undeniable, whether it’s changing perceptions, measuring impact or reaching new audiences. Thankfully, across this movement, there are plenty of stories of innovation and change to be told. 

In this year’s report, we are proud to highlight the achievements and impact of B Corps like Aussie Broadband, Miraka, Attica, Australian Ethical, Brightly Solutions, and Armadillo. From renewed focus on worker wellbeing and community empowerment to embodying the principles of Kaitiakitanga — guardianship, protection and care of the natural environment — B Corps are showing the world what it looks like to lead with purpose.

Driving change beyond B Corps

Extending our impact beyond Certified B Corporations to influence broader impact improvement, we share more about the Business for Good initiative in Aotearoa New Zealand, our new accessible online training programs — ‘Behind the B’ and ‘Beyond the Basics’ — and our critical B Consultant program, helping hundreds of companies on the road to certification.

What we learned

What it means to be a leader in sustainable business has changed significantly since B Lab was established in 2006, and since the movement was founded in our region in 2013. The pace of change has rapidly accelerated also, with the role of business in society and the environment, under more scrutiny than ever before.

Measuring, reporting on, and being held accountable for your impact is part and parcel of the B Corp movement, and something B Corps do every year to maintain their standing. We also know that pulling together data like this often prompts reflection and spurs on continuous improvement, and we felt that firsthand in the experience of building and designing this report. 

“I have the utmost respect for the leaders in our B Corp community who have been doing this so well for years — it’s certainly not easy. I’m grateful to everyone for their part in the achievements we are able to highlight in our first Annual Report!”

— Angie Farrugia, Director of Communications & Engagement, B Lab AANZ

The power and potential of business for good

Whether you’ve been part of the B Corp movement for 10 days or 10 years, or are just watching on from the sidelines — the desire to benefit people and planet epitomises what being a B Corp is all about.

B Corps the world over, including over 700 in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, are bravely and boldly coming together, designing solutions, and taking values-based action for a better world. 

On behalf of the B Lab AANZ team and Board of Directors, we want to thank this incredible community of purpose-driven people and businesses for your ongoing support and dedication to using business as a force for good. 

We cannot, and would not want to, do this without you— and we look forward to the continued growth of the movement and its positive impact in the years to come.

Launching our first-ever Annual Report was made possible thanks to a cohort of aspiring and Certified B Corporations, including: Collective Objective, CARMEN GET IT!, Compass Studio, and Wright Communications.