Crafting impactful stories of change in the B Corp movement

Imagine a world where data alone could solve our most pressing challenges — a world where charts could stir hearts, and spreadsheets could spark movements. While it sounds promising, albeit a little dry, the true catalyst for meaningful systems change is something far more ancient, accessible and powerful: storytelling

Stories go far beyond simple tools for engagement; they are catalysts for transformation, visibility, and humility. With a structure and a cadence that activates neural mechanisms capable of moving us to tears, changing our attitudes, opinions and behaviours, and inspiring us to take action — humans are born with an innate ability to comprehend stories. 

As businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency, B Corps have a unique opportunity to harness the power of storytelling for good. Let’s explore how we can effectively and authentically use story to amplify impact, communicate purpose, and push the boundaries of what’s possible in reimagining our global economic system.

Who tells the best story…wins

In a world saturated by content, the adage “Who tells the best story wins” feels more pertinent than ever. Though, in the world of B Corps, ‘winning’ means more than simply grabbing attention, gaining followers or making sales.

Telling a winning B Corp story means using the power of narrative to create genuine connections, build trust, open space for nuance, walk the walk on transparency, and drive the systemic change our world desperately needs. It also means incorporating story — as one of many communications and change tools at our disposal — to forge a more kind, equitable and regenerative future, with the voices and experiences of those most marginalised by existing systems, at the centre. 
Storytelling presents an opportunity for B Corps and other changemakers to improve and measure impact; a core vehicle to galvanise and mobilise people under shared values and vision.

Storytelling in a digital age

Storytelling is an art that transcends cultures and time; a powerful way to connect, inspire, share information, and motivate action. 

Effective at powering systems change and enabling movements to reimagine and regenerate themselves from the inside out — as Ella Saltmarshe writes for the Stanford Social Innovation Review: stories make, prop up, and bring down systems; shaping how we understand the world, our place in it, and our ability to change it.

There is little doubt that the digital age has amplified the power of stories, making it essential for B Corps to cut through the noise with narratives that not only captivate attention but also hold it and channel it into action. As Damon Gameau shared to a room full of B Corps at Assembly 2024:

“Stories shape culture. Culture shapes leaders. Leaders shape policies. And policies shape the system. If this is true, then our survival depends on us telling a new collective story.”

Damon Gameau, Activist and Filmmaker
Activist and Filmaker Damon Gameau speaking at Assembly 2024

Image: Sally Batt Photography

Stories that resonate deeply can cut across the superficial allure of a sensationalist headline. So, how can we tell compelling stories that create meaningful engagement and lasting impact?

What makes a powerful story

Crafting a powerful story is about more than just sharing information; it’s about creating an emotional connection, building trust, and offering a pathway to action. Stories that not only move and inspire, but also drive meaningful change, have in common:

  • Authenticity → In a world where scepticism abounds, authenticity isn’t a rule — it’s the whole game. Increasingly, audiences can sense when a story is contrived, heavily manipulated or insincere. Stories that share real experiences, honest reflections, and authentic voices are the ones that build trust and credibility.
  • Entry Points for Connection → We are fundamentally a creative and social species that have evolved to tell stories. We thrive on connection, and need it to refuel ourselves. Whether it’s joy, curiosity, anger, or hope — emotional connections drive engagement and make stories more memorable. Ones that evoke empathy and allow people to see themselves reflected in the story are incredibly effective, especially for this work.
  • Clear Messages → Every powerful story has a clear, compelling message or ‘takeaway’. This takes work, and often means testing what most motivates and resonates with your audience. The ‘point’ of your story should be easy to grasp by those you most want to engage. 
  • Challenge or Triumph → Storytelling is not about glossing over the hard stuff. In fact, challenges and how you overcame them are often key elements that drive the narrative forward. They create tension and interest, which when followed by solutions, provides a compelling reason for people to act.

Why creating a storytelling ecosystem is key to transforming the global economy

How B Corps can use story to fulfil their mission

Across the B Corp movement, the power of storytelling is undeniable. And it’s not just because there are plenty of compelling stories of innovation and change to be told. 

It’s because the stories we tell set us apart. They bind our communities together, across contexts and continents. They make the systemic change we are trying to create, tangible. And they help transmute that feeling of ‘what we’re doing matters’, and turn it into something memorable and shareable. 

Whether it’s on social media, your website, at events, or even at team meetings — opening space for story can move B Corps towards our shared vision for a more kind, equitable and regenerative economy by:

🤝 Driving transparency and accountability

In an era where consumers are increasingly sceptical of corporate claims (and rightly so), transparency is key. It helps us combat greenwashing, navigate ‘green hushing’, and enables us to build a more trustworthy and accountable business landscape. And, as we’ve said, it’s not just about sharing the good stuff. Instead, we need to find ways to be transparent about our progress and our mistakes, and stories give us a way to open the door to greater nuance than data alone.

⚖️ Measuring impact over time

Stories make the abstract more material, more tactile. They ‘humanise’ your data and illustrate the real-world impact of your initiatives. Responsibly collecting and sharing stories regularly from employees, customers, and other stakeholders, allows you to add depth and context to quantitative data and build a holistic narrative for the positive changes you are driving. A longitudinal approach also provides a dynamic and engaging way to measure and communicate your progress over time, helping you document and track how your impact evolves and grows as you do. 

📝 Simplifying complexity and galvanising action

In the same way that complexity can immobilise us, clarity can be a powerful motivator for change — and storytelling is a powerful tool for sharing information and knowledge in an accessible way. This is good news for a movement predicated on tackling some of the most thorny and intractable social and environmental issues of our time, because stories have a way of simplifying them into digestible, relatable ideas with real-world implications. And when people learn about tangible and transformative ways that others are taking action on the issues they care about, they are more likely to believe that their own actions can contribute to meaningful change. 

📈 Embodying continuous improvement

Chances are that some of the best stories you’ve ever heard from fellow B Corps are those that weren’t all smooth sailing. That’s because the journey to transforming the global economy isn’t smooth sailing either; there is no foolproof map or fast-track to perfect business. The reality is that no business has it 100 per cent right all of the time, which is why B Corps need to keep on telling a wide range of stories. By being candid about both the good and the not-so-good, B Corps can walk the talk on continuous improvement, and give permission for others to do the same. 

🗺️ Promoting greater diversity, equity and inclusion

Not only do stories heighten our sense of involvement by helping us see the different roles we have to play in the broader movement, they broaden the definition of ‘us’. Providing a platform to democratise and amplify voices that are often marginalised (read: deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard, to quote Arundhati Roy), storytelling gives B Corps a way to walk the walk on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Inclusive storytelling reflects the real-world diversity of the communities B Corps serve. It allows us to showcase a wider range of experiences and backgrounds, to a broader audience, and it can drive social change by challenging stereotypes, breaking down barriers, and promoting understanding and empathy. 

Five things you need to know about the B Corp movement

Storytelling in action: Fancy Films

A Certified B Corporation since 2020, Fancy Films produces meaningful content and short form documentary stories for social impact and strategic engagement. Crafting compelling narratives that highlight the social and environmental impact of purpose-driven organisations and initiatives, they focus on authentic and emotive storytelling techniques.

To make the B Corp movement’s impact more accessible and engaging, Fancy Films recently brought together their fellow Bs to share stories as part of ‘Behind the B‘ — a free 90 minute online course about the B Corp movement and Certification process, and ‘Beyond the Basics’ — an intermediate course that dives deeper into Certification and how your business can benefit from being a B Corp.

“We wanted to become a B Corp because we’re passionate about accelerating a global cultural shift, which is redefining success in business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. It is a chance for businesses to create a positive, lasting impact for the future and we hope — every time we tell a story — more businesses will consider certifying too.”

— Keryn Nossal, Managing Director, Fancy Films

Using their skills to “bring a voice to these demographics who often go unheard”, what Fancy Films understands is the importance of connecting emotionally, the need for authenticity and how these elements can be brought together to drive change. Knowing that different stories resonate through different mediums and to different audiences, it’s important to use a mix of written content, videos, podcasts, and social media to reach a broader audience. The work of B Corp Fancy Films is a great example, using a dynamic blend of visual storytelling to bring complex issues to life, because there’s always more than one way to tell a story.

Photo by Fancy Films, from their recent shoot with KIN Fashion

Establishing a narrative foundation

To harness the potential of storytelling for the B Corp movement, we each need to take deliberate and practical steps to integrate storytelling into our operations, starting with: identifying your core stories. What makes you, you, and only you? 

These are the core stories that reflect your company’s mission, values, and impact — from why and how your B Corp was founded to case studies showcasing the tangible benefits your business has created. And don’t shy away from honest accounts of the obstacles you’ve faced and how you’ve overcome them. These stories showcase your commitment to transparency, continuous improvement, and help to build trust and credibility.

Now is the time to put your stories to work for a better world

Share them widely. 

Engage your community. 

Be transparent. 

And most importantly, get creative with them. 

Together, we can create a powerful shift in the narrative that drives meaningful change towards a more kind, equitable and regenerative world.

READ NEXT: Why radical transparency is the antidote to greenwashing

Want some support sharing your B Corp story with the world? Visit our dedicated Resources For New B Corps page or download Announcing your B Corp Certification

New to the movement? Learn what it means to be a B Corp with our free 90 minute online course. Go ‘Behind the B’

Keen to deepen your understanding? Enrol in our intermediate course that dives deeper into the B Corp certification and how your business can benefit. Go ‘Beyond the Basics’ ↗